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Made in China

Made in China

V., Cuando llueve en China hay vapor de colores. Ya te diste cuenta?!

Made in China

Made in China

Dear V., Chaos is everywhere but... what if the world turned around thanks to this pedal power?

Made in China

Made in China

Dear V., Yes, I love barbershops also in China.

Made in China

Made in China

Dear V., I have met a bunch of international students. Everynight we get together at McDonalds' but we eat their street food. I love how alive are Nanjing streets at night!

Made in China

Made in China

Dear V., I met A., who borrowed me his bike. Now I can roam here&there. This is my street and there are always 2 trucks full of watermelons!This motivates me to find my way back home!



Dear granny, This is my student diet since I left. I DO miss your food!

La Provence

La Provence

Dear S., La Provence smells like lavender. We have found a nice spot and had picnics near a river. We went out with some locals and B. got sick but we laughed a lot. Everything is blue & indigo!

Sa meua Eivissa,

Sa meua Eivissa,

Dear S., We got naked, run to the nearest beach and got into the water under a full moon. I felt in love with these Mediterranean nights!

Sa Meua Eivissa,

Sa Meua Eivissa,

Ses Herbes (the more shots u drink, the more shooting stars u get to see)

Sa meua Eivissa,

Sa meua Eivissa,

Dear M, I guess that the sun went in vacation somewhere really far away from here. It is a pity 'cos I came to spent some time with him here in Ibiza. Wish u (and the sun) were here!

Sa Meua Eivissa,

Sa Meua Eivissa,

Dear S., We went to a cove far from the crowds but bumped into some locals. We shared beers and music. They were the owners of a pub and they invited us. Never ever run away from ppl!

Tell me what u eat

Tell me what u eat

I'll tell u WHERE u are: "Une Frite", Belgium

Tell me what u eat

Tell me what u eat

I'll tell u WHERE u are: "Tarte al d'jote", Nivelles

Tell me what u eat

Tell me what u eat

I'll tell u WHERE u are: "Moules et frites", Belgium

Ma Belgique à moi,

Ma Belgique à moi,

Estimada mama, Sí que em cuido. Sí faig esport però aquí diuen aue "après l'effort, le réconfort", i jo m'hi adapto...

Ma Belgique à moi,

Ma Belgique à moi,

Chère F., Même ici mes dimanches sont consacrés au vélo. La moitié. L'autre moitié... à la buvette...

Ma Belgique à moi,

Ma Belgique à moi,

Chers amis, Vous rappelez-vous quand on annulait des bbq parce qu'il pleuvait? hahha Ici en Belgique c'est "BBQ anyhow"

Ma Belgique à moi,

Ma Belgique à moi,

Mi S., Se colaron notas de jazz por mi ventana abierta. Había un concierto en la grand place. "Quién será mi pareja de baile si tú no estás?"

Ma Belgique à moi,

Ma Belgique à moi,

Chère F., On a du soleil presque tous les jours. On profite pour faires des balades à vélo. La Wallonie existe, et elle est très verte!

Ma Belgique à moi,

Ma Belgique à moi,

Le contraire du voyage à Ithaque s'appelle Ring R0.

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